[meteorite-list] mauretania - oman meteorites

From: ddav37463 at aol.com <ddav37463_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 02:51:30 -0500
Message-ID: <8C8F222CB9CF3FE-1354-674E_at_mblk-r21.sysops.aol.com>

Dear Dr. Hofmann,
why you don?t ask the government of Mauretania? Are you classifying an illegal exported meteorite from Mauretania ? Do you have a permission?
Why did you ask the OMAN GOVERNMENT to write a letter to the Meteoritical Society NOT TO CLASSIFY OMAN METEORITES ANYMORE? With exception of Dr. Hofmann and his team?
Why are you not returning most of the masses to OMAN GOVERNMENT back ?? as it would back up the initial idea you are promoting, rather than keeping all of the OMAN METEORITES in your lockers?
The meteoritical community is interested in your answers?
----- Original von: Peter Marmet <p.marmet at mysunrise.ch>:
> On behalf of Beda Hofmann, who's e-mails do not make it to the list
at this time:
Hello list
Does anyone know about a recent fall in Mauretania? I have received a
of a meteorite that supposedly fell on October 12, 2006. At first I
did not
believe the story, the stuff looks like El Hammami and probably is
also an H.
However, first results from low-level gamma-spectroscopy indicate it
is really
a recent fall (short-lived radionuclides are present).
Please let me know if somebody knows that other labs are working on the
classification already...
Best regards
Beda Hofmann
beda.hofmann at geo.unibe.ch
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