[meteorite-list] New Mauretanian meteorite?
From: Dr. Svend Buhl <info_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 23:06:34 +0100 Message-ID: <000801c722f0$cb147740$a2fdfea9_at_SVEND> Dear Beda, a few weeks ago I launched a very similar request after I had recieved a number of samples from a very fresh meteorite. The material is dubbed Noktat Addagmar and is said to have fallen in June 2006 at Noktat Addagmar which is a small caravansary at the Moroccan, Western Sahara, Mauretainan triangle. Eyewittnesses claimed that five or six stones fell after a spectacular fireball and a loud explosion. No further information could be obtained. I though have recorded the names of the eyewittnesses. This is the entry in my inventory catalogue on the 591gm fragment I own: "Meteoritic material from the Ahmiriz region 280km south Dakhla / Morocco. The nearest village to the find is named Noktat Addagmar which is 90 km north of El Gouira close to the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. Two eyewitnesses report that five or six stones fell after a loud explosion and a fireball on June 30, 2006. Material is a friable chondrite most probably type 3 or 4 with fresh fusion crust. TKW is > 2.1 kg, probably more fragments are circulating." Distribution to my knowledge is: 591gm oriented fragment: Niger Meteorite Recon collection / Dr. Svend Buhl 420gm sold to anonymous collector 188gm sold to anonymous collector None of the major institutuions I have contacted is currently working on a classification of this meteorite. I would consider it a major contribution if your work could add any information to this subject. Please contact me, should you be interested in a photo documentation of the mass I still have and the ones I have pictured of this fall. best regards Svend Buhl www.niger-meteorite-recon.de ----- Original Message ----- From: "Peter Marmet" <p.marmet at mysunrise.ch> To: "Meteoritenliste" <Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 10:38 PM Subject: [meteorite-list] New Mauretanian meteorite? > On behalf of Beda Hofmann, who's e-mails do not make it to the list > at this time: > > > Hello list > > Does anyone know about a recent fall in Mauretania? I have received a > sample > of a meteorite that supposedly fell on October 12, 2006. At first I > did not > believe the story, the stuff looks like El Hammami and probably is > also an H. > However, first results from low-level gamma-spectroscopy indicate it > is really > a recent fall (short-lived radionuclides are present). > > Please let me know if somebody knows that other labs are working on the > classification already... > > Best regards > Beda Hofmann > beda.hofmann at geo.unibe.ch > > > ______________________________________________ > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list Received on Mon 18 Dec 2006 05:06:34 PM PST |
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