[meteorite-list] Meteorite Magazine - Santa Vitoria do Palmar - Ad

From: info at niger-meteorite-recon.de <info_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2006 17:06:31 +0100
Message-ID: <22373656.152591165766790997.JavaMail.servlet_at_kundenserver>

Dear list,

to all who contacted me on the article about the Santa Vitoria do Palmar
meteorite in the current issue of Meteorite Magazine: thank you for your
compliments, which I will also forward to Dr. Greshake from the MNB. Because
I did not yet receive my copy, I have not seen which images made it into the
final version of the story. That is why I can not answer questions regarding
the pictured samples at the moment. Basicly all material has been sold,
except two large slices, to beautiful to cut apart. One of these we
currently offer on ebay. The current price is only a minute fracture of our
acquisition price.

If interested we recommend quick action as the auction ends tonight.


The beauty of the material and the low TKW in mind we are convinced that
Santa Vitoria will rapidly vanish from the market. The 34kg mass is lost
pending further notice since 2004, the remaining 10kg main mass has already
been sold at this year's Denver show. The rest is locked up at the local
Museum in Santa Vitoria do Palmar / Brazil.

Thanks also for your interest in our other auctions. Endings tonight include
a large 622gm slice of the Seymchan iron meteorite and a stunningly sculpted
fresh 165gm desert chondrite.


Best regards

Svend Buhl

Received on Sun 10 Dec 2006 11:06:31 AM PST

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