[meteorite-list] 70th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society
From: Ron Baalke <baalke_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2006 09:02:34 -0800 (PST) Message-ID: <200612041702.JAA10903_at_zagami.jpl.nasa.gov> http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/metsoc2007/home.shtml 70th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society August 13-17, 2007 Tucson Arizona ------------------------------------------------------------------------ First Announcement - November 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hosted by - The University of Arizona Lunar and Planetary Laboratory Sponsored by - Lunar and Planetary Institute NSF-Arizona AMS Laboratory Southwest Meteorite Center Planetary Science Institute Barringer Crater Company Raytheon, Inc. Planetary Studies Foundation Tucson Visitors and Convention Bureau City of Tucson Local Organizing Committee Timothy Jull, Geosciences, University of Arizona Timothy Swindle, Planetary Sciences & Geosciences, University of Arizona Agnieszka Baier, Geosciences/MAPS, University of Arizona Julia Goreva, Planetary Sciences, University of Arizona Marvin Killgore, Southwest Meteorite Center, University of Arizona Dante Lauretta, Planetary Science and Southwest Meteorite Center, University of Arizona Elisabetta Pierazzo, Planetary Science Institute Scientific Organizing Committee Timothy Jull, University of Arizona, Co-Chair Timothy Swindle, University of Arizona, Co-Chair Harold Connolly, Kingsborough College, New York Michael J. Drake, University of Arizona Joseph Goldstein, University of Massachusetts Dante Lauretta, University of Arizona Kevin McKeegan, University of California, Los Angeles Alan Rubin, University of California, Los Angeles Carolyn Shoemaker, Flagstaff, Arizona Meenakshi Wadhwa, Arizona State University Rainer Wieler, ETH-Z?rich, Switzerland ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WHEN AND WHERE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The 70th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society will be held August 13-17, 2007, in Tucson, Arizona at the JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort and Spa <http://marriott.com/property/propertypage/TUSSP>, a modern facility opened in 2005. It is located in the western part of Tucson, adjacent to the Tucson Mountain Park and is a well-appointed hotel with five restaurants, spas, a golf course, and all the amenities expected of a large modern spa hotel. The hotel is located approximately eight miles west of the Tucson airport and a similar distance from central Tucson and the University of Arizona. Accommodations: We strongly encourage participants to stay at the conference hotel. The room rate during the meeting is $89.00 per night, plus local hotel taxes. This rate will apply for those participants who arrive a few days early or stay a few days afterward. Up to four people can share a room and we will make room-sharing arrangements for student accommodations. Transportation: Tucson is served by the Tucson International Airport <http://www.tucsonairport.org>. We recommend attendees fly to Tucson, but many discount airlines have better service to Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport <http://www.ci.phoenix.az.us/AVIATION/> (110 miles away). Rental cars and shuttle services are available at both airports. Climate: The climate in Tucson is a semi-arid environment (200-250 mm per year average precipitation) typical of the Sonoran Desert of southern Arizona and northwest Mexico. The Sonoran Desert is characterized by a summer rainy season that lasts from early July to early September. During this period, high temperatures are approximately 37?-40?C (98?-105?F) and lows are around 20?C (70?F). Temperatures drop rapidly after sunset and evenings can feel quite cool. Maximum temperatures occur in the later afternoon. Convective thunderstorms are common in the late afternoon at this time and can delay travel. However, these rains also can create cooler evenings and the early mornings are excellent times for walking on the trails around the hotel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Registration will begin on Sunday afternoon, August 12, and be followed by a welcome reception on the outdoor patio area at the Star Pass Marriott. Technical sessions will cover a wide range of topics on meteoritics and planetary science. Special sessions will include the Phoenix mission to Mars and other current missions. Oral sessions will be held from Monday morning through Friday afternoon, except for Wednesday morning. The afternoon of Wednesday will be devoted to invited talks and award ceremonies. Poster sessions will be held on one or more evenings. Since we expect sessions to last until Friday afternoon, a farewell party is planned. Many visitors will want to stay overnight in Tucson on Friday, since there are few flights to the east coast in the afternoon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GUEST ACTIVITIES AND EXCURSIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On Wednesday morning, August 15, we are planning a conference excursion to the world-renowned Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. If there is sufficient interest, we will have an alternative Wednesday morning outing to southeastern Arizona, including the famous old-west town of Tombstone, Arizona. This trip will include beautiful scenery in the San Pedro River valley and some Paleoindian mammoth kill sites. The banquet will be held Wednesday evening, August 15, at the Pima Air and Space Museum, which is adjacent to the famous U.S. Air Force "boneyard." It has a large collection of military and civilian aircraft from all over the world, as well as a Space Museum. We can arrange tours for a limited number of people late Wednesday afternoon. You will then return to the Pima Air and Space Museum for the banquet. Advance registration for this trip will be required. We are arranging a small golf tournament at Starr Pass for interested participants. Please contact Rich Cruz <cruz at physics.arizona.edu> at for details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FIELD TRIPS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pre-Conference Field Trip: Birds of Southern Arizona on Saturday, August 11 August is a good time for birding in the mountains of the Tucson area. The afternoon rains of late summer bring a "second spring," and birds rejuvenate. Also, juvenile and post-breeding adult hummingbirds are on the move. More than a dozen species can be found at flowers and feeders. The one-day trip will require several hours of riding in a van, and will be limited to 24 participants. Your host will be Randy Korotev and other bird enthusiasts. Post-Conference Field Trip: Meteor Crater and Northern Arizona on Saturday, August 18 & Monday, August 20 (tentative dates) During this trip we will visit the Barringer Meteorite Crater (aka Meteor Crater), Sunset Volcanic Crater (a young cinder cone), the Grand Canyon, and possibly the Apollo-era explosion crater test field at Cinder Lakes. In addition, there will be a cultural stop at Walnut Canyon, where there are ancient cliff dwellings, and possibly Wupatki, where there is an ancient pueblo. An evening barbecue is planned at Barringer Meteorite Crater. The field trip, lasting either two or three days, will depart from and return to the conference site via bus. Hotels in Flagstaff and/or Winslow will be arranged for field trip participants. We also hope to arrange for the bus to drive through the red rocks of Oak Creek Canyon near Sedona while enroute to Flagstaff. David Kring will lead the geological excursion and Drew Barringer will be our host at the impact crater. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUTURE ANNOUNCEMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ More detailed information will be available in future announcements on this website (see schedule below). To aid in planning purposes, we strongly urge you to submit an Indication of Intent form <http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/metsoc2007/metsoc2007.iofi.cfm> by April 10, 2007. The information on this form will not only provide invaluable information for the meeting organizers as they plan logistical strategies for the conference, but will also subscribe you to an e-mail notification list to receive updates and reminders relating to the meeting. Please make sure to indicate on the form if you plan to participate in the field trips. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FOREIGN TRAVEL INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Travelers other than those from Canada, Mexican citizens possessing a border-crossing card (laser visa), and 27 visa-waiver countries (mostly western European countries, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand) may need a visa to enter the U.S. We recommend applying three months or more in advance for a visa, since U.S. consulates are requiring personal interviews for most visa applicants. Please consult the International Visitors Office <http://www7.nationalacademies.org/visas/Traveling_to_US.html>, which provides detailed information for scientific visitors. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONTACT INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For further information regarding the format and scientific objectives of the meeting, contact CONFERENCE ORGANIZERS Timothy Jull University of Arizona Phone: 520-621-6816 E-mail: jull at email.arizona.edu Timothy Swindle University of Arizona Phone: 520-621-4128 E-mail: tswindle at email.arizona.edu For information regarding meeting logistics and announcements, contact LPI MEETING COORDINATOR Kimberly Taylor Lunar and Planetary Institute Phone: 281-486-2151 E-mail: taylor at lpi.usra.edu SCHEDULE April 10, 2007 Deadline for indication of intent and second announcement posted on this website May 15, 2007 Deadline for abstract submission June 26, 2007 Final announcement, program, and abstracts posted on this website July 13, 2007 Deadline for preregistration August 13-17, 2007 70th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society in Tucson, Arizona Received on Mon 04 Dec 2006 12:02:34 PM PST |
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