[meteorite-list] open messaging

From: bernd.pauli_at_paulinet.de <bernd.pauli_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Aug 28 13:52:09 2006
Message-ID: <DIIE.0000007F00000C2F_at_paulinet.de>

"In my opinion, you owe us (not to mention Steve Arnold) an apology."

Absolutely ridiculous!

Hello List,

Steve wrote:

" ... I have blocked this persons email so I will never see it"

Would you please also block my emails! Thank you! (<= these are
two little words that are definitely missing in your vocabulary)

Someone sent me these lines when I mentioned Steve's inability
or maybe unwillingness (?) to say "thank you":

"The fact that Steve can't say thank you just makes us the fools
for helping him repeatedly. Evidently he never learned to be gracious."

How right this list member was but I continued to make myself a fool
and again answered questions he asked the list. What a fool (I am;-)

Steve wrote:

"I have stopped along ago mudsling opun this list".

But when you did (not so very long ago), it was so mean and
offensive. It was so dirty and offensive that I wrote to a
list member:

"I won't return as long as ... keeps on provoking flame tirades against
other list members while calling them 'ass wipes' in private mails".

Oh, and Steve's sincerity and honesty is just too cool. While he kept telling
the List how happy he was about the Bob Haag pieces he had acquired in
Tucson, so very happy he would never ever part with them, I was told by
a list member who was there in Tucson at that time:

"No need to sigh about W... Steve, in spite of his comments, he sold two of his four Haag specimens before he ever left Tucson. So now with this auction it will be three out of four. WYSI(NOT)WYG on the list."

Steve wrote: "Ok *d a v y* ,I think it would be a great thread to start"

"Davy", ... is this a typo??? His name is Dave Carothers, if you please. You told me in a private mail that your name was Steve Arnold and NOT Chicago Steve!

Well, when we had a similar uproar on this List, Steve was really lucky because
one of our most prominent and prolific list members wanted to chime in and tell
the List what had gone wrong in his dealings with Mr. "Why are you always
picking on me". He asked me, he hesitated and thought it best to leave things as
they were ... status quo ... no, not the rock group :-)

.. and as for "I have stopped along ago mudsling opun this list". How long ago?
Let me tell you how long ("short" would be the proper word here) ... how about
April 2005.

Mr. Barford (if he wishes) may go to our List archives and find out for
himself. He'll find more than he may be inclined to read. Some examples:

1. JKGwilliam's post dated Mon Apr 11, 2005
2. My post dated Tue Apr 05, 2005
3. etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., ...

Well, time to turn to more rewarding things now.

Thank you, Dave Carothers, for these words:

"I'm sorry, but if anyone thinks that perpetrating misrepresentations and
falsehoods ... "PETTY BULL****" ...then WE as a community have
REAL problems".

Thank you, Ron Bude, for these comments:

"I would prefer not to be subjected to ... his apparent bendings of the rules"


Received on Mon 28 Aug 2006 01:50:33 PM PDT

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