[meteorite-list] ebay auction percentage

From: ken newton <magellon_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Aug 28 13:11:12 2006
Message-ID: <44F323A8.3080509_at_earthlink.net>

steve arnold,chicago wrote:
>Overall I have a 98.8% selling record....I have never
> sold anything that is fraudulent. I have only sold
>real meteorites....Lets here about others feedback.

Oh really? How about your attempt to sell this wrong?

The 'honest and reliable' ORIENTALCURIOS has a feedback of 99.6%
(better than yours) and he sells fake Nantans. I will gladly 'eat crow'
and apologize to you both if you will furnish proof that this 'Nantan'
or your 315g is authentic (as I asked privately - 5/23/06).

Still waiting,

Ken Newton
IMCA #9632
Received on Mon 28 Aug 2006 01:11:04 PM PDT

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