AW: [meteorite-list] An open message to all list members
From: Martin Altmann <>
Date: Mon Aug 28 06:48:21 2006 Message-ID: <005501c6ca8f$78ba57d0$4f41fea9_at_name86d88d87e2> Hi Mike, I have to say, that IMCA is meanwhile - and remember, that this club, isn't that old yet, a true improvement especially for European sellers offering more frequently their stuff on US-ebay. The European collectorship using their national ebays is to small (and grosso modo uninformed about meteorite pricing), so that European collectors and ebay-dealers have often no choice to offer in USA. And here we had in past the problem, that the bidders there often were a little bit shy in buying from European offerers, I guess, because they weren't sure, what to do if complications would appear and so the European stuff got on average (in same quality, with same shipping costs) results, which were 30-40% lower than those of the US-sellers. With the IMCA-label now, it isn't the case anymore, neither for newer collectors and sellers. Hence, from this empirical view, I conclude, that the IMCA-label is broadly accepted now by the collectorship as a cachet for authenticity and for a certain standard of business. Thus, if you remember, what for a hard work and a rat race it was, to merit a good standings and reputation, when one wants to be a meteorite dealer - the IMCA-seal makes things a lot easier. And if I hear sometimes complaints about the enormous annual fees of 20 bucks, I have to grin - 2 or 3 ebay-auctions and the fees are amortized. I'm not a mineral or fossil dealer, but I could imagine, that the member fees for the national and international organisations (and here the meteorite world has the advantage, that the community is so small, that only a single association can cover it) are higher. For the collectors, especially for the new collectors, the advantage of IMCA is indisputable. I see it from my daily work - in past I was often asked: Do you know this seller, can I trust him... Since there is IMCA the number of those questions declined remarkably and I'm asked only in cases of non-IMCA-sellers. (Some not specialized resellers even propagate their stuff now, to be obtained from IMCA-dealers). So I have no problem, especially concerning ebay-sales, to make propaganda for IMCA, where I can. I have enough clients, who bought from there fakes and totally misrepresented stones. Take a look - all those Nantan fakes; those old weathered fragments, which should be oriented and with fusion crust, the museum quality rust buckets, the Moon fakes..ect. So I tell the beginners always, buy from IMCA-members, they aren't more expensive, but you can be sure to get the right stuff and/or assistance, if problems appear or ask at least a person, you trust in, if you're not sure, whenever you find something interesting at non-IMCA-dealers. Of course there are some important dealers, who aren't members, either because they have worked out a sufficient large regular customership or are living legends or simply are to saturated or meteorites aren't their main scope, who aren't members of IMCA and from those the collectors can and should buy too, but that doesn't take much away from the improvements the IMCA achieved in so relatively short time. >From IMCA collectors and dealers benefit likewise, even you as a non-member, because the credibility in that branch in general is improved by IMCA. Buckleboo! Martin -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht----- Von: [] Im Auftrag von Michael Farmer Gesendet: Montag, 28. August 2006 04:35 An: stan .;; Cc: Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] An open message to all list members I am not a member, Bob Haag is not a member, and many of the dealers in Europe are not members. The IMCA is a good idea, but not for me, too many unresolved issues for me to join. Mike Farmer Received on Mon 28 Aug 2006 06:48:14 AM PDT |
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