[meteorite-list] what is this, really

From: Randy Korotev <korotev_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Aug 26 02:40:56 2006
Message-ID: <>

At 01:57 25-08-06 Friday, you wrote:
>2. On the scale, does this mean the clasts get arbitrarily large
>for the known sample pool or is there a sort of maximum size assumed,...


I don't know, but Dhofar 287, NWA 773, and Sau 169 are each dominated
but one igneous (basalt in Dhofar 287, olivine cumulate in NWA 773)
or pseudo-igneous rock type (crystallized impact-melt in SaU 169)
with a minor regolith-breccia rock type attached:


So, one interpretation is that each of these meteorites is really a
regolith breccia with one immense clast. Perhaps the clast material
is stronger than the regolith breccia material and survived the blast
off, Moon-Earth trip, entry, and landing better.

"Clasts" like this do occur in the lunar regolith:


Randy Korotev

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