[meteorite-list] Size Counts concerning Pluto?
From: Larry Lebofsky <lebofsky_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed Aug 23 12:03:57 2006 Message-ID: <1156349024.44ec7c6080a04_at_hindmost.LPL.Arizona.EDU> Hi all: I have been trying to stay out of the recent discussion until something really happens at the IAU. For me, I am concerned with it becoming too personal. However, two things. When we (DPS) spoke to Rick Binzel last week, the IAU committee (Rick was on it) was concerned that world opinion would be that the US (ie Lowell Obs) would want to keep Pluto as a plane because is was discovered by an American. Also, if you look at the original counterproposal (being the dominant object) which will get rid of Pluto as a planet, it was proposed by a group that included 2 from Uruguay, 5 from France, 2 Brazil, 3 Italy, 1 Chech., 1 Argentina, 1 Mexico, 1 Russia, and 2 US. Not quite American dominated unless you mean (North and SOuth America). Larry PS OPINION: No matter what ends up being the science behind defining a planet (original definition gives us 5 since Earth was not a planet), Pluto, for historical reasons, should remain a planet. OPINION: dwarf planet is a stupid term and raises all sorts of misconceptions for kids, etc. Why not go with size-challenged to be politically correct? Quoting drtanuki <drtanuki_at_yahoo.com>: > Hello List, > It appears that the only reason for dropping poor > Pluto from the list of planets is an American cultural > bias in that SIZE COUNTS. Pluto, as do the rest of > the planets, orbits the Sun in a somewhat regular > manner as a planet; therefore leave its classification > alone. > Science may change the status of Pluto; but Pluto > will still exist as it has without any concern of > Man`s (new-school-biased? Astronomer`s) scheme of > things. > Sincerely, Pluto fan for 9.....Dirk Ross...Tokyo > > ______________________________________________ > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > -- Dr. Larry A. Lebofsky Senior Research Scientist Co-editor, Meteorite "If you give a man a fish, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory you feed him for a day. 1541 East University If you teach a man to fish, University of Arizona you feed him for a lifetime." Tucson, AZ 85721-0063 ~Chinese Proverb Phone: 520-621-6947 FAX: 520-621-8364 e-mail: lebofsky_at_lpl.arizona.eduReceived on Wed 23 Aug 2006 12:03:44 PM PDT |
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