[meteorite-list] Moss, Norway meteorite laws and news

From: Mirko Graul <m_graul_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed Aug 16 00:07:21 2006
Message-ID: <20060815182354.85892.qmail_at_web26306.mail.ukl.yahoo.com>

Hello Mike and list.
  I find gives spend it magnificently that it persons how you the time and money to search for meteorite.
  Naturally the joy is also largely if one found something and can sell also a little material again.
  Therefore the trip costs are sunk.
  The risk remains however with you!
  If you is nothing find the money for several weeks search simply away.
  Notice earned large it if someone out of the USA on the way to Europe makes to search herself around for meteorite.
  It is not arrive me until today to go to Norway although it is not of Germany far.
  And how you already yourself say.
  If it the meteorites hunters do not give would be would become many pieces verlohren endless.
  Also the museums clearly be must it that not the only in the world are the interests in meteorite have.
  It gives also scientifically importantly are many of collections quite private that.
  In addition also much technical knowledge comes out of the private area.
  I cannot understand stand why many against the meteorites hunters.
  Especially since the museum possesses already material for itself.
  Therefore of me, you get my full respect.
  It is to be seen beautifully what you make and make like you that.
  Thank you very much also for the many beautiful reports.
  Make further so!
  Sorry all my english is not so good.
  Many greetings out of Germany Mirko

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