[meteorite-list] ad Ebay auctions ending soon: old rare stuff etc.
From: Martin Horejsi <accretiondesk_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Apr 21 23:30:24 2006 Message-ID: <9c2f96d20604211143p408004cdj15aae769a72fa91d_at_mail.gmail.com> http://cgi3.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewUserPage&userid=zagami Howdy Folks, Just a brief heads-up that my auctions of old, rare, often small stuff on ebay is ending soon. A couple noteworthy pieces include a Parnallee LL3 slice, Kesen Japan slice, Shelbourne Canada crusted fragment, 14g Nuevo Mercurio individual, Klamath Falls Oregon iron slice, an amazing slice of Pillistfer from the Bob Haag collection (including documentation) and a few others including Shalka, Orgueil, Lemmon, Sardis, Marion, Mills, Tromoya, Soko-Banja, NEA001, Loomis, Limerick, Nadibondi, Butsura, Beardsley, Axtell, Kivesvaara, Boxhole, Alamogordo, Bath, Arcadia, Canyon Diablo spheroids, Juuvinas, Collescipoli,etc. See them at: http://cgi3.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewUserPage&userid=zagami Cheers, Martin http://cgi3.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewUserPage&userid=zagami Received on Fri 21 Apr 2006 02:43:30 PM PDT |
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