[meteorite-list] meteorite odours

From: Rob McCafferty <rob_mccafferty_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Apr 21 11:53:50 2006
Message-ID: <20060421085451.34464.qmail_at_web50903.mail.yahoo.com>

I must say I have never noticed smells from meteorites
but this week I have run an exhibition which included
several large meteorite samples.
What I estimate to be over a third of the people who
saw and handled them -and there were several hundred
people involved - said they did smell funny.
Funny is about as good as I got out of them, they are
all teenagers, after all.
The Henbury and Murchison ones were the ones which
seemed to be in posession of the most "nose".

I can personally attest that a type 7 Eucrite has a
dry, clay like flavour with nuances of metalic. Yes I
tasted it. Can you honestly say you never tasted one
of your meteorites "just to see"?

Rob McC

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