[meteorite-list] WARNING! fake pallasites

From: Dave Freeman mjwy <dfreeman_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue Apr 11 11:27:38 2006
Message-ID: <443A9694.2040303_at_fascination.com>

Dear List,
Here is just another great reason to keep your best dealers in business
by only purchasing from them.

harlan trammell wrote:

> WARNING: there are loads of pallasites out there that have been
> RESTORED with epoxy, etc. for sale. - make sure that you ask if a
> piece has been restored (olivine busted out and filled with epoxy,
> etc.) b4 u buy- have been burnt by this TWICE on ebay- once w. brahin,
> another w? seymchan. if suspected, probe each crystal with a HOT
> NEEDLE- it will sink into the fake olivine and STINK. also , it the
> EDGE of a piece looks glossy or varnishy WATCH OUT! dough and filler
> have long been a plague of the indian arrowhead scene, have recently
> drifted into shark teeth, and now skyrox!
> i will be gradually switching over to yahoo mail (it has 100 FREE megs
> of storage). please cc to: bigpineartifacts_at_yahoo.com
> <mailto:bigpineartifacts_at_yahoo.com>
>Meteorite-list mailing list
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