[meteorite-list] Re: Hurricane Presidents-No More Replys, Please.

From: RYAN PAWELSKI <yellowengine_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Sep 2 15:46:29 2005
Message-ID: <4236285.1125690383569.JavaMail.root_at_elwamui-chisos.atl.sa.earthlink.net>

Please, let this topic die now. My appologies to everyone involved, in one way or the other. I'm a bit too gullible when it comes to topics that highlight differences in political opinions. Truely sorry for wasting everyone's time, along with my own.


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Farmer <meteoritehunter_at_comcast.net>
Sent: Sep 2, 2005 2:31 PM
To: meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] Clinton

I have been corrected, clinton didnt take office till jan 2003. My mistake,
sometimes my memory is not as good as I wish. I do remember though, the GOP
slamming Kerry day in and day out that he would "raise gas prices since he
tried to put $.50 cent tax on once". Now we have well over $3.00 gas in most
of country.
Check out this funny link "Bush blames Clinton for gas prices that have
"SOARED to over $1.60 gallonn" Oh my how nice the days of $1.60 gallon gas
It was Bush's father who took care of Miami.
Just shows how far the apple fell off that tree with his idiot son.

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Received on Fri 02 Sep 2005 03:46:23 PM PDT

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