[meteorite-list] Book Review: Marvin Killgore's Book on Thin Sections - Part 1 of 2

From: Alyssa La Blue <arlablue_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Oct 13 18:49:18 2005
Message-ID: <1129243755.434ee46b7a7b7_at_hindmost.LPL.Arizona.EDU>

Hello All,

I'm happy to see this appear on the meteorite list! I am Marvin Killgore's
assistant and want to make sure that you all know where to locate this book.

The website you can order it from is located at:

Alyssa La Blue
Alyssa R. La Blue
Research Laboratory Assistant
Lunar and Planetary Laboratory
University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona 85721
Quoting bernd.pauli_at_paulinet.de:
> Hello All,
> In the 2005 June issue of MAPS, you'll find a book review of Marvin
> Killgore's Book on Thin Sections. For those who are into thin sections
> but don't have a MAPS subscription, here is a scanned copy of H.C.
> Connolly's book review:
> D.S. LAURETTA, M. KILLGORE (2004) A Color Atlas of Meteorites in
> Thin Section (301 pp., $98.00, hardcover (ISBN 0-97204-721-2):
> As an undergraduate studying geological sciences at Rutgers University, I
> remember my
> mineralogy and petrology courses very well. I can remember going to the book
> store to
> purchase the books I needed for my courses and sitting down in the aisle
> reading through
> the two now farnous atlases of MacKenzie and Guilford (1980) and MacKenzie et
> al. (1982).
> As I started to read them in the aisle, I was totally captivated as, for the
> very first
> time, I saw images of minerals and rock textures through plain and
> crossed-polarized light.
> I clearly remember the child-like joy I felt when examining these books. I
> have used these
> books time and time again and they live in a very prominent place on my
> bookshelf and every
> petrology course should use them.
> Twenty years later, I was in the mail room in the departmental office of
> Kingsborough and
> noticed a package. I had been waiting for a new book, so I quickly opened the
> package as
> I walked from the mail room. To my great delight, it was the book I had been
> waiting for.
> I started to read through it as I walked up the stairs and was immediately
> captivated in
> a way that reminded me of my undergraduate days of reading through the
> MacKenzie books.
> I soon reached the middle of the hallway and sat down, still reading. Shortly
> thereafter,
> M i c h a e l  W e i s b e r g and  C y r e n a  G o o d r i c h  were
> walking past me in
> the hallway and soon joined me in curiously reading through the book and
> admiring the
> amazing photomicrographs of meteorites. It soon became apparent that I was
> going to need
> to have a proper read of it. As our little reading group broke up, I was
> walking back to
> my office when I heard Cyrena call down the hallway to me that she had wished
> she had
> such a book to learn with when she was first studying meteorites.
> The book, A Color Atlas of Meteorites in Thin Section by Dante S. Lauretta
> and Marvin
> Killgore, is a compilation of classic examples of beautiful photomicrographs
> of almost
> every meteorite class and type and accompanied by short descriptions of each
> class and
> type.
> Good night for today,
> part 2 will follow
> tomorrow,
> Bernd
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Received on Thu 13 Oct 2005 06:49:15 PM PDT

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