[meteorite-list] New Site is UP!
From: MeteorHntr_at_aol.com <MeteorHntr_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Nov 28 23:05:39 2005 Message-ID: <291.98d38d.30bd2d8c_at_aol.com> Hello List, I am excited to announce that our newly revised website is up and running at: www.WorldRecordMeteorite.com (You may need to hit "Refresh" or clear your cache if you were at the site before. You should now see a photo with me resting my elbow on the rock on the home page.) Some of the photos on the Photos page are remarkable when enlarged by c licking on them. Kudos go out to Geoff Notkin of Stanegate Studios for the stellar job in constructing the website and taking many of the photos. Also look at the "seamless - never ending Brenham Banner" at the top of the page. Stretch it out as far as you like and it goes forever. I have been told on great authority that anyone can make a banner with a repeating photo, but only a few experts in the world are able to make one seamless! Great work Geoff! Enjoy! Steve Arnold Received on Mon 28 Nov 2005 11:05:32 PM PST |
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