[meteorite-list] Happy Thanksgiving, and note from Goran fromSweden

From: Pete Pete <rsvp321_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Nov 24 18:45:33 2005
Message-ID: <BAY104-F13C64D06969D4EDCBB1F49F8540_at_phx.gbl>

Slag?! Interesting...

He must be diversifying. I'm certain the photos he was spamming me with a
while ago were asphalt.


From: Göran Axelsson <axelsson_at_acc.umu.se>
To: meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Happy Thanksgiving, and note from Goran
Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2005 22:22:00 +0100

Firstly I want to say that not all Göran from Sweden is bad. ;-)

Mike, I understand that you are not alone, many do share your problem. I
have spoken with at least two other guys.
After that I talked with his ISP. They have a web based form for reporting
spam and other abuse but it is all in Swedish.
For those who doesn't speak Swedish they could mail their complaints to the
abuse department at abuse_at_tele2.se

I hope that all that have problems with spam from this guy will complain
with his ISP. That way we have a good chanse to stop it.

I had some discussions with him a couple of months ago and he got angry when
I called his "meteorites" slag and said he would never speak with me
again... Well, that threat will shurely scare me...

/Göran.... no not that Göran, the other one... you know what I mean.

Michael Farmer wrote:

>Look at what this retard from Sweden writes to me.
>Is it me, or does this guy not know how to take no for an answer?
>I have told him like 50 times not to email me again with his fantasy rocks,
>but they just keep coming.
>Mike Farmer
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Received on Thu 24 Nov 2005 06:45:30 PM PST

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