[meteorite-list] Matteo's own prices,take a look! - was: AD - World Biggest Impact Melt slices
From: Gi-po Meteorites <Carsten.giessler_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed Nov 23 13:30:14 2005 Message-ID: <4384B544.7040805_at_t-online.de> That's it, Andreas. This is what i tried to tell him the whole time, but its senseless. Carsten Andreas Gren wrote: >Oh, silence was very short. >Unfortunately you haven?t the point jet, nobody said you are the most >expensive dealer, but for sure you are not the cheapest and even if you were >you don?t have the right to make the prices of other dealers bad. >That?s all what the people try to explain to you, just this, nothing more. >And for most other List members this is a matter of course and not a thing >which has to be explained. > >Thanks >Andi > > >-----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht----- >Von: M come Meteorite Meteorites [mailto:mcomemeteorite2004_at_yahoo.it] >Gesendet: Mittwoch, 23. November 2005 19:12 >An: Andreas Gren >Betreff: Re: AW: [meteorite-list] Matteo's own prices, take a look! - was: >AD - World Biggest Impact Melt slices > >I have answer > >--- Andreas Gren <info_at_meteoritenhaus.de> ha scritto: > > > >>Hello Matteo, >> still waiting for your comment to what Martin has >>posted here. >>Or will this be the new silence about prices from >>other Listmembers ,we are >>all waiting for? >> >>Andi >> >>-----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht----- >>Von: meteorite-list-bounces_at_meteoritecentral.com >>[mailto:meteorite-list-bounces_at_meteoritecentral.com] >>Im Auftrag von Martin >>Altmann >>Gesendet: Mittwoch, 23. November 2005 17:45 >>An: M come Meteorite Meteorites; >>meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com >>Betreff: [meteorite-list] Matteo's own prices,take a >>look! - was: AD - World >>Biggest Impact Melt slices >> >>Dear Matteo, >> >>in almost every third case a dealer or collector >>advertises here on the >>list, you feel the need to empty your bowels and you >>crow on the list, that >>the price would be exaggerated and how much you paid >>for that locality or >>that you once saw it on ebay ending at a lower >>price. >>Apart from your paltriness of trying to disturb the >>sales of others, those >>interventions are absolutely fruitless for the list >>members, >>because you even don't have to offer a cheaper price >>for the same >>meteorites, you are not able to undercut the others. >>And now, because I'm fed up, >>I examine your very own homepage and blow your >>prices into little bits. >> >>I won't talk about ebay (we all know, that the >>results there show peaks in >>both directions, or special-best-friend-"I know you >>since 20"-years-offers >>among dealers), >>no I take simply the offers on the homepages of the >>offerors, which can be >>seen by everyone on the dealers' list or in a few >>cases, which were >>advertised by them in public on the list, which one >>can find in the >>archives. >>And do you kno what? >>Because I have not so much time, I even won't search >>out the cheapest >>offers, for demonstration just a short glimpse is >>sufficient. >> >>Let's see, in what position you are to tell others, >>that their prices are >>ways to expensive. >>Folks, come with me, we go on an excursion to >>Matteo's page, >>http://www.mcomemeteorite.it/a.htm >>Wow, in several cases his European clients have to >>pay more than those from >>the U.S. for the same specimen >> - I will give sometimes the converted maximum >>Euro-to-$-price in brackets. >> >>Prices per gram: >> >>Alfianello >>Matteo 70-140$ (and for the Europeans up to 210$) >> list: Elliott 40$ >>and cheaper >> >>Allende >>Matteo 6.57-10$ (13.4$) Erich: 4.9$ >> >>Amgala (Oum Dreyga) >>Matteo 4-7$ Bessey: 2.95$ >> >>Bendego >>Matteo 5$ Hans Koser 0.25$ >> >>Bensour >>Matteo 7-36$ (50.51$) Lang: 5.4$ >> >>Bremervoerde >>Matteo 1500$ ooooooooooooooooh I'm sure >>somebody could raise the >>finger and will say 400$.... >> >>Canyon Diablo >>Matteo 0.6$-2$ (2.28$) Stan Wall 0.28$/g >> >>Cape York >>Matteo 5.95-9.35$ (13.11$) Killgore 2.58$ >> >>Carbo >>Matteo 7.67$ Kroth 3$ >> >>Chassigny >>Matteo 20.000$ (23.600$) Karl/Vassiliev >>15.000$ >> >>Chinga >>Matteo 2$ (2.36$) Afanasjev 0.3-0.5$ >> >>Collescipoli >>Matteo 200$ (280$) Elliott 150$ >> >>DaG 262 >>Matteo 4237.3$ Vassiliev/Karl >>1000-1150$ >> >>DaG 400 >>Matteo 2040$ - 85.000$ Vassiliev/Karl >>1000$ >> >>DaG 412 >>Matteo 150$ Twelker 40$ >> >>DaG 476 >>Matteo 300-833$/g (1074$) Erich 213$ >> >>Dho 018 >>Matteo 200$ (256$) Afanasjev/Labenne >>70-120$ >> >>Dho 019 >>Matteo 500$ (647$) Erich 268$-400$, >>Phillips 300$ (list) >> >>Dho 026 >>Matteo 6250$ (7383$) Afanasjev 1200$ (and with >>lower startprice >>regularly on ebay) >> >>Dho 306 >>Matteo 3142$ (3712$) Erich 738$ >> >>Dho 307 >>Matteo 1196$ Erich 738$ >> >>And Matteo, you were so kind to post on March 3, >>2004, how the Dho lunar and >>martian stuff was ending on ebay, when Afanasjev >>held his desparate >>auctions, (where you were buying too, also some of >>those, which you are >>trying to sell up to 10times more expensive): >>Dhofar 731 $846.8 - 704.3/gr. >>Dhofar 026 $734.3 - 547.5/gr. >>Dhofar 730 $754.4 - 863.2/gr. >>Dhofar 306 $601.2 - 883.9/gr. >>Dhofar 307 $746.4/gr. >>Dhofar 019 $200.3 - 325.5/gr. >> >>Dho 700 >>Matteo 29$ Wesel (list) 9-10$ >> >>Dronino >>Matteo slices 4$ (4.73$) Marcin 0.9$/g with >>interesting etch! >> >>Dimmit >>Matteo 3$ (4.02$) Mitterling 1.5$ >> >>Djati-Pengilon >>Matteo 14-14.3$ (22.67$) Schooler 8$ >> >>Look here, who's talking about IMB-prices!!! Dho >>010 - it is and was always >>the cheapest IMB. >>Dho 010 >>Matteo 5$ Afanasjev, Olson and everywhere >>4$ and please tell us, >>for what 010 is going on ebay, you're the expert. I >>sold mine there >>sometimes at 1.5$ >> >>El Hammami >>Matteo slices 2.22$, wheathered fragment 1$ (1.18$) >> Twelker fresh slices >>1$ (Altmann wheathered slices 0.5$) >> >>Ensisheim >>Matteo 450$ (549$) Anne Black 300$ >> >>Estherville >>Matteo 17.6$-50$ Elliott 6-10$, not to mention >>his 3.5$-5$ sale on the >>list >> >>Faucett >>Matteo 3.91$ (4.62$) Heitz 1.5$ >> >> >> >> >=== message truncated === > > >M come Meteorite - Matteo Chinellato >Via Triestina 126/A - 30030 - TESSERA, VENEZIA, ITALY >Email: mcomemeteorite2004_at_yahoo.it >Sale Site: http://www.mcomemeteorite.it >Collection Site: http://www.mcomemeteorite.info >MSN Messanger: spacerocks at hotmail.com >EBAY.COM:http://members.ebay.com/aboutme/mcomemeteorite/ > > > > > > >___________________________________ >Yahoo! Mail: gratis 1GB per i messaggi e allegati da 10MB >http://mail.yahoo.it > >______________________________________________ >Meteorite-list mailing list >Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com >http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > > > > Received on Wed 23 Nov 2005 01:30:28 PM PST |
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