[meteorite-list] My big steal

From: Steve Arnold, Chicago!! <steve_arnol60120_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Nov 18 21:15:38 2005
Message-ID: <20051119021536.92925.qmail_at_web31810.mail.mud.yahoo.com>

Hi and good evening list.I know that steve arnold IMB,has made a great
find,but I was able to get a little steal.It does not compare to him,but
for me,to do this before tucson is a real steal.I am buying from BOB
HAAG,the main mass of SUNSITES,now known as SNYDER HILL.There are only 2
pieces of this fine specimen.One with the finder and 1 with the meteorite
man.TKW for this arizona meteorite is only 1.1 kilo's.You all can view it
on page 102 in his collection book.I have been working on this for a few
weeks,and it paid off.I knew very little of this piece till I got some
info on it.And thanks so much for the people who helped me get this
info.Have a great week end and it is good to be back on the list.

                                       steve arnold, chicago

Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120

Illinois Meteorites,Ltd!

website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com

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Received on Fri 18 Nov 2005 09:15:36 PM PST

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