[meteorite-list] Following people broke list rules yesterday

From: Michael Farmer <meteoritehunter_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed Nov 16 11:09:41 2005
Message-ID: <006001c5eac8$1beaab10$0200a8c0_at_S0031628003>

I am tired of the pot calling the kettle black.
Some of us are human, we break rules occasionally.
This list will be dead if everyone wants to follow every rule to the tee. If
you break a rule, then email someone hours later about how they are breaking
the rules, you are a hypocrite.
The list rules
ALL messages must have something to do with meteorites.
Here is a sampling of yesterdays list rule-breakers.

Anne Black, -
Michael Blood
Myself, Michael Farmer
Jerry Flaherty
gene a dees
Darren Garrison
There were more, just too many to post here.

Not a peep about meteorites in here.
it is French and it is: hors d'oeuvres. It means literally "outside the
works" meaning it is not part of the main fare, just little things on the
And usually not cakes. Were you thinking of "petits fours", those are
bit-size cakes.

Anything else? :-)

Anne M. Black
IMPACTIKA at aol.com
President, I.M.C.A. Inc.

Not if we've "just begun"! and even Albert E the great thought as much in
the twilight of his life(just begun that is)
Jerry Flaherty

Nothing about meteorites in here.
MarkF mafer at imagineopals.com
Tue Nov 15 21:25:19 EST 2005

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horses hooves
----- Original Message -----
From: <Impactika at aol.com>
To: <mlblood at cox.net>; <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2005 9:07 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Hors d'oeuvres (very OT)

Nothing about meteorites here.
Don't feel bad about the horse ovaries. I had the same problem ...
couldn't get it even close enough for the spell checker ... so I finally
remembered it was a two-part word and the first part was "hors". The rest
was easy.
OK ... I have to mention meteorites. I mention them all the time on my
Great Dane list and my Chihuahua list but they don't mind ... mostly because
I own the lists! Being a dictator has its good moments!
When I lived in the East Mountain area east of Albuquerque, the dark
skies and altitude made for a great observing site ... like my front yard.
One night around 1 AM, Mountain Time, I was looking for meteors to the
north of my location. For the last 4 nights and within 2 minutes either
side of 1 AM, there would be a small green meteor trail from south to north.
This night, I had another one but it disappeared behind some clouds due
north of me ... then re-appeared briefly below the cloud then I lost it.
Figuring the distance as best I could with only one sighting, I figured
it came down 2-to-3 miles north of me and was probably quite small in size.
I sure wish I could have found that one or at least had a second sighting on
it so I could get a loose fix and verify that I did, indeed, see it
penetrate the cloud and come out the bottom. That would have been
something, indeed ... but, alas! Maybe next time?
Now I live down 4,000 feet lower and the city lights of Albuquerque
pretty much mess up the unique observing I used to enjoy at altitude ...
but, thanks to heart trouble and several operations, I can no longer breathe
well at 7,500+ feet with my oxygen tank.
My life used to be much more interesting than this ... so please bear
with me.

gene a dees
Albuquerque, New Mexico


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hors d'oeuvres... and now Pions
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Nothing in there about meteorites

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gene Dees" <recon_jones at msn.com>
To: "Jerry A. Wallace" <jwal2000 at swbell.net>
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2005 3:43 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Ad - 77 Auctions Ending, Great Stuff! &

Michael wrote:

> >Dean,

> > Are "pions" anything like peons?

They are negatively charged pies. They are violently attracted to the faces
of positively charged people ... it's a lot like what goes on in a 3 Stooges
pie fight.

Now for the on-topic part: A pie in the face is more fun than catching a
nickel-iron meteorite of similar mass right in the puss. Never happened to
me but, back in my Army days, I was in a freefall tracking position at
around 160 miles-per-hour when I caught a June bug in the mouth. It was
like getting hit by a hard-driven golf ball. Loosened 4 teeth and I was
spitting out bug parts for a while after landing.

gene ... in Albuquerque

Nothing about meteorites in here.
Garrison cynapse at charter.net
Tue Nov 15 22:42:32 EST 2005

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Stuff! & hors d'oeuvres... and now Pions
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hors d'oeuvres... and now Pions
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On Tue, 15 Nov 2005 20:12:22 -0700, "Gene Dees" <recon_jones at msn.com>

>Michael wrote:

>> >Dean,

>> > Are "pions" anything like peons?



>They are negatively charged pies. They are violently attracted to the faces

>of positively charged people ... it's a lot like what goes on in a 3

>pie fight.

Not particle physics fans, I see. :-)


Nothing about meteorites in here.


Not particle physics fans, I see. :-)


Good sources! Thanks for those!
I was just having fun ... really. After all, slow people, the
neuron-challenged, and MODS* sufferers deserve to have fun, too. <grin>
Now ... according to the references, a "pion" is a "meson" ... and we
"Mesons" hold our lodge meetings on the second Tuesday of each month.
"Exotic Mesons"? Well, we 32? Scottish Rite Mesons hold our reunions twice
a year. Rumors have it that the "Mesons" control the wealth of the world
.. well, I'm still waiting for my piece of the action!

*MODS ... "Medulla Oblongata Deficiency Syndrome"

gene a dees ... in Albuquerque


  a.. Previous message: [meteorite-list] Ad - 77 Auctions
Nothing about meteorites in here.
L Blood mlblood at cox.net
Tue Nov 15 16:45:08 EST 2005

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hors d'oeuvres...
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on 11/15/05 1:22 PM, dean bessey at deanbessey at yahoo.com wrote:

> while the rest of us pions have to eat cake?

Are "pions" anything like peons?
And, while we're at it, I am writing an article and am including
commentary about eating little snacks before dinner and I cannot
come close enough to spelling it correctly to get the computer
spell checker to recognize the following word, spelled phonetically:
orderves - can anyone out there help me.
Just a pion looking for some help - er, make that a peon.
Ooops, I guess this isn't about meteorites, is it? Oh well, I guess
I am "special" and don't have to follow rules..... or do I? Gee, maybe
you have a point, Dean. But I don't think one individual (or brothers)
is/are the only one(s), now, is/are it/they ?
Still, how DO you spell "orderves?"
Best wishes, Michael

"He is not a lover who does not love forever." - Euripides (485-406BC)
Michael Blood, nothing about meteorites in this one.
--------------------------------------------Jerry A. Wallace jwal2000 at 
Tue Nov 15 17:37:09 EST 2005
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Hi Michael,
That would be " hors d'oeuvres ". (Probably akin to some rare type of
French meteorite.)
I have always pronounced that as "horse ovaries", which tends to raise
a few eyebrows at the fancier parties, but being Texan, I figger that's
close enough.
Again, lots of talk about words, nothing about meteorites.
List rules broken again.
This isnt even all of them, so please, next time you get in a hissy about 
someone breaking the rules, look at yourself in the mirror, review your own 
posts, and make sure they all comply.
Mike Farmer 
Received on Wed 16 Nov 2005 11:09:18 AM PST

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