[meteorite-list] Brenham Video, TV News, etc.

From: Robert Woolard <meteoritefinder_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Nov 10 21:06:14 2005
Message-ID: <20051111020611.9288.qmail_at_web32906.mail.mud.yahoo.com>

Hello Geoff and Steve,

  Thank you Geoff for the posts about Steve's
fantastic find.

   And now to Steve. Congratulations and hat's off to
you man. That must have been one incredibly exciting
day. I've been trying to imagine what the whole
experience must have been like. Maybe something like:
that first "signal from the detector/magnetometer"
(???), then perhaps digging a bit and rechecking the
signal and it just gets stronger and stronger and
STRONGER. Then that first clang of the shovel and----
whammo! There it is!!! Or maybe something like this.
But no matter what the exact chain of events, it
obviously had to be one heck of good time!

   I'm happy for you, Steve.

   Best wishes,

--- Notkin <geoking_at_notkin.net> wrote:

> Dear Listees:
> I have passed along your congratulations to Steve,
> who is still in the
> field, and will not be able to pick up his email
> until later today.
> KAKE-TV in Wichita, KS aired a story about the
> discovery. There is now
> a video clip and short article on their website at:
> http://www.kake.com/unclassified/769277.html
> The news story has also aired around the country on
> ABC and the Weather
> Channel (not sure what the connection is there?
> Meteor SHOWER?), and is
> continuing to show up on other stations. A Kansas
> paper is expected to
> print a feature article tomorrow, so we will try to
> find a way to get
> that on to the List as well.
> Steve is a pretty happy guy at the moment, and was
> very pleased when I
> told him about the nice posts you'd sent in.
> Thanks and best to all,
> Geoff N.
> Brenham main mass photos:
> http://www.aerolite.org/brenham.htm
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