[meteorite-list] Sikhote-alin question

From: Jim Strope <jim_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Nov 3 13:42:40 2005
Message-ID: <006401c5e0a6$53a36fa0$6401a8c0_at_DJQVK441>

Hi All.........

I just sold a 116 gram Sikhote-alin which has an unusual feature that the
customer noticed and I had no explaination for. Take a look at the
following photograph. Notice the two parallel lines on the left hand toward
the middle. Does anyone have a guess as to what they may be or what caused
them? They are not saw marks !!!!

Thanks !!!!

Jim Strope
421 Fourth Street
Glen Dale, WV 26038

Received on Thu 03 Nov 2005 01:42:07 PM PST

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