[meteorite-list] AD: Mount Tazerzait on eBay

From: Herbert Raab <herbert.raab_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon May 30 15:24:08 2005
Message-ID: <429B843F.5820.176AEF_at_localhost>

Hello fellow collectors,

I just wanted to note that I have a nice 32.8g slice of the
unusual Mount Tazerzait chondrite from my personal collection
on eBay, ending in about 24 hours. The high porosity of this
extraordinary meteorite is readily visible in this nice specimen,
and some large chondrules and metal inclusions makes this an
especially nice sample of a rare meteorite:


I also have a large shale ball form the Wolf Creek crater
on eBay. Wolf creek is the second largest crater on Earth from
which meteoritic material has been recovered (the largest being
the Barringer crater in Arizona, of course) and no collection
of impact-related material is complete without a sample:


Thanks for looking, and good luck to all bidders!

  Herbert Raab
Received on Mon 30 May 2005 03:23:11 PM PDT

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