[Meteorite-list] re: Astroids associated with meteorites (McSween)
From: E. L. Jones <jonee_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun May 29 20:11:45 2005 Message-ID: <429A5A39.7000906_at_epix.net> Hello Jerry, You probably are thinking of "Meteorites and Their Parent Bodies" 2nd Edition by Harry (Hap ) McSween, Jr -- whist not assisting on the Martian projects is from my alma mater, the Univ. of Tennessee _at_Knoxville. (IMHO) until the Nortons came along with "Rocks in Space" and subsequently the "Cambridge Encyclopedia of Meteorites", "Parent Bodies"1st and 2nd eds were the best available modern text on meteorites. McSween, as I recall, compared albedos and specific spectra from various asteroid families with those of various classes of meteorites to associate them with their parent bodies. You'll do well to add this reference and used versions are on Amazon now for under $10. <http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0521587514/002-2622076-9595205?v=glance> Regards, Elton Gerald Flaherty wrote: > Hello List, > I read within the past several months a section of a book which > associtates various meteorites with their supposed parent body. I > can't remember the book title. If there are more than one I'd > appreciate as many references as I can get because I have the book > that I'm refering to in my library. > Can anyone refresh my memory? > Thanks in advance. > Jerry Flaherty Received on Sun 29 May 2005 08:11:37 PM PDT |
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