[meteorite-list] Hidden Treasure

From: j.divelbiss_at_att.net <j.divelbiss_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun May 29 11:04:01 2005
Message-ID: <052920051505.23461.4299DA23000C345E00005BA521602813029C9C070D040A90070BD206_at_att.net>

looks like the LL4 named NWA 806


-------------- Original message from thetoprok_at_aol.com: --------------

> Good Morning List, Dean,
> A few monthes ago my brother and I made the short drive to Dean Besseys
> 'cross the river, where we spent all our pennies on different treasures
> of the world, stockpiled in Deans humble apartment. It was great, lots
> of meteorites, fossils, old coins, a lap machine for polishing, we were
> definately like two kids in a candy store! We bought the lap machine as
> well as some examples of the items mentioned above. After haveing the
> lap machine at home for a while I was polishing some slices when one of
> them got away and was lodged under the lap wheel where I could not
> reach it. I had to tip it on its side to get the slice to fall out, and
> when I did this there was a little surprise. A 3.72 gram end cut of an
> unidentified meteorite was hiding under the lap wheel! Obviously a left
> over remnant from another persons day of meteorite labors. Was it
> Deans? Or did he leave it there for me as a freebie to be found at a
> later date just because he's a nice guy? Or did it belong to the guy
> that he bought the machine from? What kind of meteorite is it? Am I the
> rightful owner of this small treasure? Or do I need to do the right
> thing and see if Dean wants it back?
> Of course he can have it back if he wants,(small polishing fee of
> $45.00 of course) but is this a good case for "Finders keepers?!" Would
> it be different if the slice was lunar vs. an OC? I'm offering it back
> to him of course, but what would you do? What if you found a slice of
> an anomolous martian hiding in there? Just a friendly survey!
> I haven't told Dean, I thought I would have some fun with it first!
> I need some help identifying it. It's a really cool stone, not quite
> like any I'm familiar with. There is hardly any attraction to a magnet,
> what little metal there is, is in round beads. There are some very well
> defined chondrules and some blown out ones, and there is a really odd
> inclusion that I would like some opinions on. It's a sort of yellow
> gold color with black stripes, you'll know which one when you see it.
> http://community.webshots.com/album/354985092HCtnUp
> Also,
> I was asked to write a Franconia field report for the IMCA website. I
> want to thank Ken Newton for putting it together so well, excellent job
> Ken!
> It can be viewed here;
> http://imca.repetti.net/metinfo/fieldreports.html
> Rock On!
> Larry
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Received on Sun 29 May 2005 11:05:09 AM PDT

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