[meteorite-list] Canyon Diablo Shale Balls, from Arizona Meteorite Craters, Nininger

From: MARK BOSTICK <thebigcollector_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu May 26 14:09:52 2005
Message-ID: <BAY104-F406292B61B497E47E65A02B30F0_at_phx.gbl>

Harvey. H. Nininger, in his book, Arizona Meteorite Craters (1956), page 30
wrote the following:

     "In addition to the metallic fragments, all collectors had found masses
of iron-oxide associated with the crater. Most of these were in the form of
laminated chips or blocks, the larger of which showed more or less curvature
as a form. Barringer justifiably attracted great importance to these. He
called attention to the fact that they had evidently been detached from more
or less rounded masses of which he found many and which were called shale
balls. Some of these were described as being iron cores, and chemical tests
by the U. S. National Museum showed the cores to be slightly different in
composition from the unoxidized metallic masses which, since 1891, had been
known as Canyon Diablo irons. It has long been known that the presence of
chlorine in meteorites served as an acceleration of oxidization."

I have a good sized “shale ball” with "curvature" shown on the following


Clear Skies,
Mark Bostick
Wichita, Kansas.
Received on Thu 26 May 2005 02:09:49 PM PDT

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