[meteorite-list] Kind of off topic. Space Probes???

From: Sterling K. Webb <kelly_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed May 25 22:26:33 2005
Message-ID: <429533B6.9E3E04C4_at_bhil.com>

Hi, Dave

    Seriously, not being sarcastic, but try Googling "spacecraft
model." I got 924,000 hits. Here are a few. Some are free!

Cassini model

Spacecraft models kits, Scale models of Lunar Prospector, Mars Polar
Lander, Apollo, Voyager, Hubble Space Telescope, Galileo, Magellan, MGS,

A listing of just about every space model ever made, most containing a
link to a photograph of the kit.

Model of the Mars Pathfinder spacecraft,

Nick Proach Models is an aerospace display scale model company
specializing in custom built scale models of spacecraft and aircraft -

Universal shopping

For more spacecraft models, please visit NASA's Spacelink site

    I'll leave the other 923, 993 URL's out...

    I think you'll find some models...

Sterling K. Webb
Dave Schultz wrote:

> Greetings. Been looking for small models of the
> different space probes that are lurking out in deep
> space. As in Pioneer, Voyager, Cassini etc. Any help
> in directing me to different sites that offer them
> would be appreciated. I can`t seem to locate any.
> Thanks, Dave.
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Received on Wed 25 May 2005 10:25:58 PM PDT

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