[meteorite-list] Now, Mr.Steve - This is my offer
From: Gtceb_at_aol.com <Gtceb_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed May 25 08:47:52 2005 Message-ID: <1f3.a707e01.2fc5cdee_at_aol.com> Martin: Well said! However, our favorite dim bulb list mascot Big (size) Little (brain)SSTTEEVVVEEEYYY remains in a perpetual state of denial. He brushes off all people that tell him to change, calling us the "naysayers". In Stormbringer's (light drizzle in the brain department) case, that means that nearly the entire list he writes to are naysayers. Here's hoping that he stays in Mexico forever, and has no internet access. BYE SSTTEEVVEEY! And, please don't kill us with the monotonous details of your hideous trip! Terry StarMeteorites Received on Wed 25 May 2005 08:47:42 AM PDT |
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