[meteorite-list] Scientists Excited About Potential Impact CraterSite i...

From: MexicoDoug_at_aol.com <MexicoDoug_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon May 23 14:14:15 2005
Message-ID: <12b.5da1fc72.2fc376fd_at_aol.com>

Sterling W. kindly recounted:

>This course of study climaxed at the age of six when I took
>a small sledge hammer and masonry chisel to the steps and
>removed a large and perfect Dinorthis from them, much to the
>displeasure of

Hola Sterling, You remind me of the Indiana dealer (a 9-year old boy, son of
a a religious man-among other jobs) who was hunting up crinoid bushels in
corn bags and found what he called a Warty Toad, which proved to be the Holy
Grail of Crawfordsville. Maybe your Indiana neighbors are wiser than they get
credit for...at least the kid knew his great discovery was animal and not
vegetable ("Sea Lilies")... And I'd love to trade you my field guide for one of
the interesting pages (or should I say steps) from your kiddie fossil book
anytime! Thanks for the link, but with my slow connection It'll be a while
before I dig into the answers in the pdf's on the site. Assuming the impact is
300 million years old -give or take- Mississipian or Pennsylvanian, it could
have been timed during the lifetimes of the beautiful crinoids in the
western part of Missouri. I am still really curious to know if their were
fossilized remains found which appear to have errr.. let's call it "meteorite"
damage, even if from a petit tsunami. Now that would be really cool, wouldn't it...
Saludos, Doug
Received on Mon 23 May 2005 02:12:13 PM PDT

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