[meteorite-list] AD - A FEW DANDYS

From: MexicoDoug_at_aol.com <MexicoDoug_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun May 22 13:54:54 2005
Message-ID: <140.447e4893.2fc22168_at_aol.com>

Mark B. wrote:

>On another comment I have seen you make several times
>publicly, which you have a little here, is towards the line that
>dealers are not giving with science. That people have problems
>getting 20 grams or 20%.
Sorry, for what it's worth, if you felt my disagreement and expression of it
regarding your thought process in the recent public dispute with David was
inappropiate. I think you are also hyperbolically wrong in the above comment.
 Mark, I recently even publically posted "Whoever has the meteorites makes
the rules." So let me repeat the take-off on the Golden Rule: "WHOEVER HAS

That I would challenge an owner or be happy to see a space rock them to
donate more to science or education is nothing to loose sleep over, and that I
support official channels when it comes to meteorite authenticity and truth in
labeling, over chaos, are my idiosyncracies. We already discussed this at
length in private. So I feel it is yesterday's newspaper and I'd like to ask
for your approval to move on rather than change the focus of the thread from
respect and interpretation of MetSoc practices to the churlish subject of your
or my tendencies.

Congratulations on the KSU (found in the university collection like
Lafayette?) and the other two meteorites that have been classified thanks in part to
some of your initiative.
Gongho Saludos, Doug
Received on Sun 22 May 2005 01:54:48 PM PDT

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