[meteorite-list] Re: THE ART OF PHOTOGRAPHING Pictures 101

From: Gerald Flaherty <grf2_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat May 21 21:05:58 2005
Message-ID: <008d01c55e6a$63e58e20$2f01a8c0_at_Dell>

Thanks Ann, Into this mental grist mill it goes and Thanks Tom and Dave for
starting this thread. Jerry
----- Original Message -----
From: <Impactika_at_aol.com>
To: <dfreeman_at_fascination.com>; <peregrineflier@npgcable.com>
Cc: <meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2005 3:05 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Re: THE ART OF PHOTOGRAPHING Pictures 101

> In a message dated 5/21/2005 12:40:37 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,
> dfreeman_at_fascination.com writes:
> Here we go. Get a dark (black felt) non reflective cloth square maybe
> a couple of feet in diameter...black or dark old wool blanket, worn old
> sheet, old sweatshirt. Set up your card table or picnic table out
> of doors where you have plenty of room and light. Get your chair and
> set it at the table. One end of the table put your cloth back drop. Set
> a rock on it so the wind doesn't blow it away. On the other end of the
> table place your yellow ruler, tiny plastic stand or something to set
> <snip>
> A couple comments.
> I take all my pictures inside, on a corner of my desk, with a flash
> balanced
> by a couple desk lamps. Waiting for the weather to be just right is too
> time-consuming and unreliable.
> And I never use a black background, it just drowns out the specimens. I
> found some file folders in a very soft, neutral shade of gray and I find
> that it
> does not distort the color of whatever pieces you put on it, being a green
> Tatahouine, a very dark Kainsaz or a yellow Libyan glass. Then I
> down-load the
> pictures in Macromedia-Fireworks where I can trim the picture, adjust the
> size and resolution, without touching the color balance. I want my
> pictures to
> give a true image of the specimens, not improve them.
> And I do use a Nikon CoolPix 950. Older, but reliable.
> Anne M. Black
> www.IMPACTIKA.com
> IMPACTIKA_at_aol.com
> President, I.M.C.A. Inc.
> www.IMCA.cc
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Received on Sat 21 May 2005 09:05:47 PM PDT

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