[meteorite-list] Ceres, Luna, Jupiter, and ancient astronomers

From: MexicoDoug_at_aol.com <MexicoDoug_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed May 18 16:26:34 2005
Message-ID: <f6.50d132c7.2fbcfee2_at_aol.com>

Ron reminded:

> Ceres is thought to be of carbonaceous chondrite composition -
> and if so is probably the biggest Carbonaceous Chondrite in the Solar
> System

It is probably the largest in the main asteroid belt, but I wouldn't rule out
anything from the Kuiper Belt just yet.

Ron Baalke

OK Duly noted! Change probably to "the largest we think we have been sure
about until recently when anything has become possible"

And also than Summer Solstice and Vernal Equinox (Not Spring Solstice and
Vernal Equinox)

...;-) Doug
Received on Wed 18 May 2005 04:26:10 PM PDT

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