AW: [meteorite-list] Portales Valley

From: Jörn Koblitz <>
Date: Wed May 18 12:46:35 2005
Message-ID: <492FFD0696089A4CB72BDBDCB2FC1A14029AA5_at_server2000>

Hello Listees,

I am looking for a nice larger slice of Portales Valley for a local Museum in Germany. It shall be put on display to the public. A trade could be arranged and the Museum can offer a large slice of the L6 chondrite fall Fisher, Minnesota. Although of a common type, material of this fall is not widely distributed in collections and has rarely been offered for trade.

Anybody interest can contact me off-list.

Best regards,
J?rn Koblitz
Received on Wed 18 May 2005 12:48:10 PM PDT

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