[meteorite-list] Opportunity Mars Rover Stuck in Sand
From: Art <blurtheline_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue May 17 14:00:55 2005 Message-ID: <998a6e0f050517110023007dfe_at_mail.gmail.com> Hi Everyone; After reading this artice late last month I checked out some photos on the Mars Rover web site (http://marsrovers.jpl.nasa.gov/home/index.html) that were taken during this period. The image below is interesting as it reminds me of many daydreams I've had while hiking the Algodones area in Southern California ... rounding a dune and seeing a small impact crater with a fresh Shergottite at the bottom! I wonder what Opportunity would find in this small crater? Tiny Crater on Meridiani Planum: http://makeashorterlink.com/?B38F2271B Best regards, Art On 4/29/05, Ron Baalke <baalke_at_zagami.jpl.nasa.gov> wrote: > > > http://www.space.com/missionlaunches/050428_rover_update.html > > Opportunity Mars Rover Stuck in Sand > By Leonard David > space.com > 28 April 2005 > > NASA's Opportunity Mars rover has run into a sandy snag. All of its six > wheels have sunk in deep into a large ripple of soil. > > Rover operators are optimistic they can extricate the robot from its > jam, having gotten dug in before. But ground controllers will need time > to wheel back on top of the soil again. > > Time will also be spent figuring out what's different about the soil > that has bogged down Opportunity, hoping to keep this problem from > occurring down the road. > > The Mars machinery had been cruising southward across the open parking > lot-like landscape of Meridiani Planum, full of larger and larger > ripples of soil. Opportunity has been en route to its next stopover, > Erebus crater, nestled inside an even larger crater known as Terra Nova. > > Be very, very patient > > "A note to all you Opportunity fans: Get used to the current scenery, > because we're going to be here awhile," said Steve Squyres, lead > scientist on the Mars Exploration Rover effort at Cornell University in > Ithaca, New York. "We are very optimistic that we'll be able to get out > of here, but we're really going to take our time doing it." > > Squyres said the first rule in this case is "do no harm" - and that > means don't rush anything. > > "We're going to take lots of pictures of all the terrain around the > vehicle, to get a very complete picture of the situation. We're going to > do lots of testing with the rovers that we have on the ground to > simulate the situation on Mars. This testing will be aimed not just at > finding a plan that will work, but at finding the very best plan that > will work," Squyres explained in a Cornell rover web site. > > One possibility is trying a number of small maneuvers with the robot at > first. That information-gathering could then lead to even more testing. > > "All of this is going to take a lot of time. But this is a very precious > vehicle up there, in excellent health, and there's no reason to rush > anything," Squyres said. The main message now, he added, "is to be very, > very patient." > > Tiny craters discovered > > Prior to the rover run-a-muck, Mars rover scientists noted that > Opportunity had made yet a new discovery. Two small craters were found > on the plains of Meridiani - both less than half an inch deep and > clearly visible in snapshots taken by the rover's navigation cameras. > > The two tiny craters were a surprise find, said Matt Golombek, a > principal scientist on the Mars Exploration Rover mission at NASA's Jet > Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California. "These are the > smallest craters yet seen on Mars," he explained in a JPL-released > statement. > > "Given that these two craters haven't been covered by sand even though > they are surrounded by sand ripples on a flat plain lends support to the > idea that they're fairly recent," Golombek said. "Of course, recent > might mean any time from yesterday to 100 million years ago." > > Cause of the impact craters? They could have been created by an object > from space that was large enough to make it through the martian > atmosphere without burning up. Alternatively, the tiny craters could be > the result of falling rock fragments ejected from a larger crater that > formed when something crashed into the martian surface. > > While engineers wrestle with Opportunity's show-stopping sand trap, > sistership Spirit is busy at work on the other side of the planet > surveying the Columbia Hills within Gusev Crater. > > ______________________________________________ > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > -- Bye for now! ArtReceived on Tue 17 May 2005 02:00:53 PM PDT |
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