AW: [meteorite-list] Re: 13.5 kg lunar

From: Darren Garrison <>
Date: Sat May 14 21:42:26 2005
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 14 May 2005 17:03:53 -0700, "Adam Hupe" <> wrote:

>That's ridiculous, Lunar material brought back from the moon would baseline
>at more than $5,000.00 a gram. Anything less is not feasible because the
>costs are tremendous and have already been calculated. Anybody who collects

Oh, maybe in the near future (I just used the 20 year figure because that is what the original
poster used) but I refuse to believe that, for an established lunar mining colony launching material
from the surface of the moon under the Moon's 1/6th g using lunar construction materials and lunar
fuel, the price will always be in the thousands of dollars per gram range. I'm not talking about a
simple sample return mission, here.
Received on Sat 14 May 2005 09:52:25 PM PDT

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