AW: [meteorite-list] Re: 13.5 kg lunar

From: Darren Garrison <>
Date: Sat May 14 16:02:59 2005
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 14 May 2005 20:08:39 +0200 (CEST), M come Meteorite Meteorites <>

>Happy you to have pay 1000 times over a piece of lunar
>meteorite and after this is go 800 times under the old
>price....who have buy DaG 400 for $25,000/gr. and now
>the price is go to $1000/gr. is a total suicide.

Well, I haven't been buying meteorites for all that long, but I have spent who knows how many
thousands buying computer equipment over the years. And I take it for granted that most of the
value will disapper, forever, in a short length of time. I don't lose any sleep over it. When I
went from having to pay $30.00 to $40.00 per megabyte of RAM, for instance, I didn't lament when the
price dropped to below $8.00 a megabyte and I'd thus never be able to resell my RAM. No, I
gleefully bought more at the lower price. And when it then dropped from $8.00 per megabyte to
pennies per megabyte, I again gleefuly bought more.

So if the metorites that I have drop 90 or 99 percent in value over what I paid for them, GREAT! It
just means that I can now buy 100 times as much then next time.
Received on Sat 14 May 2005 04:13:36 PM PDT

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