[meteorite-list] Kansas Legal Debate: Creation, Evolution and Intelligent Design

From: Darren Garrison <cynapse_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu May 12 22:18:51 2005
Message-ID: <7l38815jl7200iand7rjg9bor7h1m0ru23_at_4ax.com>

On Thu, 12 May 2005 19:46:34 -0600, "Phil Morgan" <pkmorgan_at_ctcweb.net> wrote:

>Hey Darren,
>That was kind of mean-spirited.
>Let's see, if I believe in a God, I'm an inbred nitwit, but if I believe

I didn't say that. I said that if you believe in a Young Earth you are an inbred nitwit. The push
to move Intelligent Design into science classrooms is a thinly vieled attempt to bring biblical
literalism/Young Earth Creationism into the classroom. If you are, indeed, a Young Earth
Creationist, then I reinterate that I think you are a inbred nitwit.

>Until we find a world that was created by bacteria+chance and those bacteria
>learned to write and recorded the whole process for us it's all faith -
>either way.

It isn't "by chance". The mutations are random, and happen in every organism at every cell
division-- the selection of which of those mutations succeed depends on how useful or harmful that
mutation is to the new organism-- and, therefore, is NOT "chance". Plus, the fossil record is a
cold, hard fact. And if you deny the validity of radioisotope testing that gives the ages of those
fossils, then you also deny the validity of radioisotope testing on meteorites. The only "faith"
involved in the issue is the "faith" that the laws of physics were the same in the past that they
are in the present.
Received on Thu 12 May 2005 10:25:56 PM PDT

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