[meteorite-list] Size of diamonds in ureilites

From: bernd.pauli_at_paulinet.de <bernd.pauli_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed May 11 16:47:24 2005
Message-ID: <DIIE.0000001900003818_at_paulinet.de>

Hello Mark and List,

GOODRICH C.A. (1992) Ureilites: A critical review (Meteoritics 27-4, 1992, 327-352):

"Graphite is the most common polymorph of carbon in ureilites. Vdovykin (1970) found traces
of chaoite and organic carbon compounds in Haver?, Novo Urei, Dyalpur and Goalpara. Diamond
and lonsdaleite have been identified in Kenna (Gibson, 1976; Berkley et al., 1976), Haver? (Marvin
and Wood, 1972) and Goalpara (Marvin and Wood, 1972) by X-ray diffraction and electron microprobe
techniques. Diamond and lonsdaleite occur as small (< 1-3 ?m) anhedral to subhedral grains within
a fine-grained matrix of graphite and lesser silicate (Marvin and Wood, 1972; Berkley et al., 1976)".

Best wishes,

Received on Wed 11 May 2005 04:47:21 PM PDT

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