[meteorite-list] Doubt of Gibeon

From: ROCKS ON FIRE <meteorites_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue May 10 05:52:34 2005
Message-ID: <42808CB9.8090200_at_optushome.com.au>

Hi, Joe,

the blackish dark ones are wire brush cleaned and the yellowish/brownish
one's are in as found condition, with patina.

Best regards from DOWN-UNDER,

Norbert & Heike Kammel
       IMCA #3420
www.rocksonfire.com <%3Fhttp://www.rocksonfire.com%3F>

Tim Jou wrote:

>Hello Everyone,
>Can anyone answer for me?
>Why appearance of Gibeon, some are black, are some
>yellowish brown?
>Are there differences between them?
>Thanks to all,
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Received on Tue 10 May 2005 06:28:09 AM PDT

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