[meteorite-list] Steve Arnold

From: Norman Smith <norm29s_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat May 7 20:00:49 2005
Message-ID: <20050508000040.33499.qmail_at_web31708.mail.mud.yahoo.com>

The list does not need a mother telling everyone what
to do, we already have a few thqnk you.

Your post to the list is not within the rules and
guidelines set up by the list owner.

I think it's fine if Stwvw wants to giveaway some of
his microspecks, but he doesn't need to remind
everyone about his unique services every day. Since
you're a supporter of Steve, you must think it's okay
to ripp=off money from the Tsunami Relief Fund,
correct? If so, shame on you too.

--- Dana <zeus_daughter2_at_yahoo.com> wrote:
> After following this list for several months let me
> just say that no matter what Steve Arnold's business
> practices are, he has succeeded in making the
> bashers
> look like, out and out asses. What ever the point
> the
> bashers have tried to make it seems they have
> failed.
> I am still not sure what the wasted time was all
> about
> worth wasting.
> Steve's business practices do not look all that bad
> according to his ebay rating either.
> Let he perfect in all areas of life spew the next
> line
> of hatred.
> Sincerely, Dana Hawn
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Received on Sat 07 May 2005 08:00:40 PM PDT

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