[meteorite-list] collecting to long?

From: Tom Knudson <peregrineflier_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri May 6 11:09:50 2005
Message-ID: <004901c5524c$2b5351c0$2d107918_at_Michelle>

Hello List, what's wrong with this?
  I had a dream last night, and told my daughter about it this morning. I
said I was out somewhere (no idea where) and ran into and had a nice
conversation with Matthew McConaughey, (my daughter interrupted me to ask
"who is Matthew McConaughey?" I reminded her; the actor from Sahara and the
Wedding planner). I continued; but a few minutes later, Matthew McConaughey
turned out to be Mark Bostick.
   My daughter said;
"you know my dad's a meteorite collector when I know who Mark Bostick is and
I have to ask, who Matthew McConaughey is"

 Ya think I talk to much about meteorites?

Thanks, Tom
peregrineflier <><
Received on Fri 06 May 2005 10:59:13 AM PDT

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