[meteorite-list] Properties of chondrules

From: Jeff Grossman <jgrossman_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri May 6 08:05:17 2005
Message-ID: <>

If anybody finds one, I'd like a copy too!

At 07:54 AM 5/6/2005, Jeff Kuyken wrote:
>Hi List,
>I'm looking for a PDF (if possible) for the following abstract:
>Title: Properties of chondrules
>Authors: Grossman, Jeffrey N.; Rubin, Alan E.; Nagahara, Hiroko; King,
>Elbert A
>Journal: IN: Meteorites and the early solar system (A89-27476 10-91).
>Tucson, AZ, University of Arizona Press, 1988, p. 619-659
>Any help would be appreciated,
>Jeff Kuyken
>I.M.C.A. #3085
>Meteorite-list mailing list
Received on Fri 06 May 2005 08:04:44 AM PDT

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