[meteorite-list] Did Life Arrive Before the Solar System EvenFormed?

From: MexicoDoug_at_aol.com <MexicoDoug_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed May 4 18:52:35 2005
Message-ID: <90.5d35b38a.2faaac27_at_aol.com>

Hola Bah-humbug Mark, List, and happy Cinco de Mayo holiday celebration
weekend...when untrained, underarmed and outnumbered Mexicans irregulars sent the
imperialistic trained French army packing from the Puebla Fort (And three
years later sent Maximilian to the Mexican Firing squad-if you go to Mexico
City, you can see his shirt pumped fill of bullets), since everyone seems to be
in such a fighting mood...on to Panspermian Theory:

On this list no one-not even a theory- gets no respect no more. Mark, it is
a good theory! you can use the delete button if you don't like it, but it
won't go away:)...if you don't believe me we can try to raise some monies for a
one-way ticket to Piedmont, Arizona for you, to see the town doctor...

Panspermia is quite a colorful name I think. Pan- recalls the Greeks...I
bet the theory's name really does date back to the ancient Greeks like the
brilliant Anaxagoras. Perhaps he got the idea from when the legendary Uranus
envying Saturn (one of the Titanes Theoi = STRAINER, though not quirte as in
"Andromeda Strain"), chopped off his Dad's testes and scattered them about
giving rise to life of all kinds on a fertile Earth? Uranus was identified with
the sky, by the way and his wife the fertile Earth. His seed in the severed
organ made it intact according to legend...which is thousand of years
old...so I expect Panspermia will be a viable theory full of life, long after you
are gone! Truly a Pancultural theory...And Saturn was the first documented
case of well that sort of envy that has enveloped the list as of late.
Mark how dare you insult the gods!
Saludos, Doug
PS, The Greeks were too interested in where Uranus nor his seed came from,
either...amazing how little the theory has been altered through the ages...

En un mensaje con fecha 05/04/2005 4:45:17 PM Mexico Daylight Time,
m.fries_at_gl.ciw.edu escribe:

I don't like panspermia; not even a little bit. It does nothing to
answer the question of where and how life started in the universe. All
it does is add a few million to billions of years of travel in the
cold, dry, radiation-hard vacuum of space to the journey. That, plus
you've got to crush/heat it in a violent, solar-system-ejecting imact
and then crush/heat it again on the recieving end. Even if you shorten
that journey to a trans-planetary scale you've still done nothing to
answer any questions about how it originated, and you're still dealing
with several physical processes that each alone have the power of
sterilization. And at the end of all of THAT, you've still dropped any
surviving (not bloody likely) microbes into a foreign environment that
they're not adapted to! You can hang "litho" or "nano" or freakin'
"nuclear-powered" or anything you want to onto the front of
"panspermia" and it's still useless as a theory. How annoying that it
still crops up from time to time...

Bah humbug,

Received on Wed 04 May 2005 06:52:23 PM PDT

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