[meteorite-list] Matteo

From: Michael Farmer <meteoritehunter_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue May 3 13:52:52 2005
Message-ID: <015501c55008$eec2a020$0200a8c0_at_S0031628003>

Meteorite2001 has two feedbacks, one from Christian Anger,
Christian, do you remember who this is?

The guy can't accept that we actually posses a little intelligence here, we
can tell which computer he used to bid, eBay is about to remove him (yet
again). He just cant leave me alone, you people tell me to ignore him, well,
ignoring cancer doesn't work either.
Mike Farmer
Received on Tue 03 May 2005 01:52:50 PM PDT

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