[meteorite-list] OT Steve

From: joseph_town_at_att.net <joseph_town_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon May 2 04:09:42 2005
Message-ID: <050220050810.4267.4275E06600041BBD000010AB21602806510299019BA1089F0A9C0106_at_att.net>

What an intuitive fellow.



 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Edward Hodges" <holyfireballs_at_hotmail.com>
> I know Steve Arnold posts a bunch of emails, however what really annoys me
> are the posts that follow when you have a problem with Steve just simply for
> trying to be an active member of the meteorite community. He is as
> enthusiastic as I wish I was about anything, and I think that's awesome.
> Sadly, you who post your evil comments about Steve are just driving
> yourselves, and my inbox crazy. If you haven't figured it out yet, Steve has
> no idea what you are all pissed about, and he just doesn't get it. To him,
> the list is a way to communicate about all things meteorite. Essentially
> that's exactly what the list is for. You few bullies just fill my inbox with
> your hatred and I'm just plain sick of it. I've known for years that the
> community of meteorite people are some of the weirdest, oddest, off- the-
> wall people in the world and I embrace that fact. Some of you are really
> neat people with a real zeal for life and adventure, not to mention some of
> the smartest people I've ever met. That said, many of the people I'm
> speaking of are what I call "social retards". Really smart, not too much
> common sense and really terrible people skills. It's like a never ending
> cycle with you people: first it's infighting with Casper, then it's Matteo
> and Farmer going at it, now it's pick on Steve. Are you aware that you can
> block his email address, or anyones for that matter? Does it do any good to
> spew your unbecoming hatred in a public forum upon a guy who's basically a
> curious kid in a candy store? Get over yourselves you bunch of middle-aged,
> fat-ass, trekkie, couldn't get laid in a morgue, social retards? Couldn't
> you be watching Dr. Who or building a phaser or something else besides
> acting like a total ego-maniac ass and filling my inbox with all the baggage
> that's left over from when a kid picked on you in Junior High, or Susie
> wouldn't go to the prom with you? Yeah, I see the kettle and It's frigging
> BLACK as night. Think about it. Thanks.
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Received on Mon 02 May 2005 04:10:15 AM PDT

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