[meteorite-list] AD - Sky & Tel Meteorite Related
From: MexicoDoug_at_aol.com <MexicoDoug_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Mar 21 13:24:55 2005 Message-ID: <1ab.34110940.2f63499d_at_aol.com> Hola List: Here's my "Pre-Cambrian" meteorite-related sale because I was napping in that Time and as a first meteorite-related sale, I figure better late than never! The following are 19 Sky & Telescope magazines with meteorite related articles that you may want for reference. The price is: $5.00 for the first, $3.50 for the second, $2.00 for the third and $1.25 for each additional. If anyone wants them all, they are available for $19 to a good home. Otherwise I will respect the order in which the emails are received. Each one averages 260 grams. (just over 9 ounces). In the US where Media Mail to US addresses is cheap (US Media Mail Postage $1.75 for 1, $2.50 for 2-3, each additional at 0.25 each) and internationally whatever you pay for I'll work with you for the best deal on postage. Ensisheim, Peekskill, Glatton, Nullarbor, ALH84001, Tsukuba City, Neagari, St. Robert, Haag (not the meteorite man issue), Rubin etc., etc...: 1. Nov 1992 cover - "SETI: The Search for extraterrestrial Intelligence" MR1: The Great Stone of Ensisheim Turns 500 (2 pages, illustrations) history of the Stone and its importance in meteoritical development MR2: Theft a Texas Star Party (2/3 page illustrated) meteoritical knives, Norton County , and Australian Iron theft 2. July 1992 cover: Mars for Real! A fisheye view of Mars MR1: The Meteorite and Tektite Collector's Handbook (over a page, pictures) Book review by Robert A. Haag MR2: The forgotten Comet Hunter of Skalnate Pleso - Ludmilla Pajdusakova of Czechoslovakia (1.5 pages illustrated) 3. Jan 1993 cover - Target Earth - What will be the "Impact" of Comet Swift-Tuttle (!!) M1: Meteorite 1, Car 0 - Brief on the Peekskill Meteorite, no photos. 4. Nov 1991 cover S&T 50th Anniversary Edition - commentaries by Arthur C. Clark, Robert Jastrow, Michael Collins, Phillip Morrison, Timothy Ferris, Carl Sagan. MR1: Martian Meteorite Launch Sites (1 page note and photo) - locating the SNC meteorite launch sites on Mars. MR2: The Glatton Meteorite (2/5 of a page and photo) - The nice man who saw the English fall recounts, with photo of him w/stone MR3: A meteorite Bounty from Down Under (half page note with sketch of Nullarbor region) 5. October 1996 cover - Do We Know our neighbors? - Astronomers Struggle to Find our Nearest neighbors MR1: Life on Ancient Mars?: (2 full pages, Nice clear photo of ALH 84001, also microscopic photos of the carbonate "globules:)After 2.5 years, Scientists have made their case for the presence of fossilized life in a Martian meteorite. Debate presented. MR2: The Lunar Volcanism Controversy - (5 pages, excellent discussion and history of this, excellent material to have if you are interested in Tektites) A western scientist's attempt to Verify the contraversial claim of a Soviet colleague provides a fascinating look at science during the cold war. MR3: Fire in the Sky - (3 pages illustrations, nice photo of Tsukuba City Meteorite individuals recovered) Gives account of the Tsukuba Meteorite which fell through the roof of a garage. General discussion of fireball reporting, and some other potential falls touched on as well. 6. May 1991 cover "The Astronomers, Televisions Journey to the Stars." MR1: "The King of Comet Finders - William R Brooks" MR2: "Two Meteor Projects for Amateurs - Long term meteor shower observing & Photographic Spectra of meteors to determine meteoroid composition" 7. Sept 1995 cover - Gamma Ray Astronomy - Using Atmospheric Flashes to Probe the High Energy Universe MR1: Another Car Conker (over half page excellent photo of car damage and nice clear shot of 325 gram meteorite main mass) Neagari Meteorite account and photo. Pattern of paint much more interesting than Peekskill. Shows that the meteorite was oriented and rapidly spinning... 8. July 1995 cover - Rendevous in Space - Atlantos docks with Mir, and how to even observe it... MR1: A Chip off the Old Mars (1 page, nice detailed photos). Antarctic meteorite ALH84001 is analysis and matrian 'geology' origin dscussed MR2: Microscopic Astronomy - By Alan Rubin of UCLA Meteoritics (long article, 7 pages illustrated moon rocks, meteorites ALHA 81005 lunar, graphs, geologic boundaries, lunar origins, etc.) Superb article reduces planetary scientists work with meteorites in an understandable manner 9. Nov 1995 cover - Could the Be the Next Great Comet? Ten times larger than Halley's, Comet Hale-Bopp is on the way. MR1: Letters to the Editor, two readers (Jorn Michael in Germany; Richard Rast, New Mexico) point out errors and rectify mistatements of Alan Rubins Microscopic Astronomy Article MR2: The Leonids: King of the Meteor Showers (8 pages, illustrated with excellent photos, woodcuts of 1833 shower) Great article to appreciate the Leonid shower, along with a nice analysis of meteoroid density relative to the parent body, Comet Tempel Tuttle 10. Sept 1994 cover - "Science with Keck - the World's Largest Optical Telescope" MR1: Love Letter to An Astronomer (well I just never forgot this explanation to woo women) MR2: Meteorites Pound Canada - (over half a page, large, crisp photo of meteorite) Eyewitness accounts of the St. Robert Meteorite recovered from a farm in Quebec 11. Jan 1992 cover "Hubble Shoots Jupiter" MR1: "Mercury's Cool Surprise - (2 pages illustrated) an article which explains detection of snowballs/why Mercury has an ice cap where the Sun never shines (for those of you who still think that a Venusian night is colder than a Mercurial one, a recent topic on the list. Mercurian nights are much colder than Earthly ones)" MR2: The Coins of Antioch - (3 pages illustrated) an article researching the explanation for the Star of Bethlehem adding some ancient coin depictions and astronomical footwork to the equation (CJ???). 12. Feb 1994 cover - November's Stunning Lunar Eclipse / Astronomers during theMcCarthy Witch-hunts MR1: Secret Impacts Revealed - Military satellites have been watching huge meteoroids slam into Earth's atmosphere for nearly two decades ( 2 pages, illustrated, distribution scatter map of impacts to upper atmosphere with energies comparable each to Hiroshima Atomic bomb blasts, usually not accompanied by light) MR2: The Optimum Camera for Meteors (3 pages, illustrated, charts) - calculations, understanding how to optimize meteor photography efficiency 13. Mar 1992 cover "Probing Venus' Hidden Surface magellan's Remarkable Images (Active Volcanos on Venus?)" MR1: Radio Waves from a Meteor? - (2 pages, illustrated, schematic, parts list) making & using an eletrophonic detector for meteors 14.May 1992 cover New Planets Discovered - Planets around a Pulsar MR1: A Brillant Flash - (1 full page mostly amazing photograph of fireball -18.5 magnitude!!) the 1991 Czechoslovakian Fireball should have dropped fragments [but people are still looking!] MR2: Indiana Fireball: one quarter of page w/illustration -8 magnitude accompanied by low frequency rumbling 15. Sept 1992 cover "Astronomy from the Moon: Dateline 2017" what it will be like artists conceptions 16. Mar 1993 America's Observatory - Munt Wilson's 100-inch reflector MR1: Tunguska: An Asteroid - few inches comment on two new studies and the character of Tunguska MR2: Venus, Ducks and Flying Fish, well I just never forgot this explanation to visualize tilted orbits MR3: Brief with images of Toutatis in 1992 radar imaging, illustrated MR4: Al Lang advertisement 17. May 1993 cover - "A Star Is Born!" Stellar Nursery in Scorpius Nice picture in the Gallery of asteroid Toutatis spelling its name in Morse code by multiple timed exposures! 18. January 1995 cover - The Galaxy We Call Home - The Milky Way in Sagittarius MR1: Ida and Company (4 pages, well illustrated photos), asteroids with moons and how they form and how common are they MR2: Shooting Stars: The 1994 Perseids (3 pages nice photos!) Article by Peter Brown and Jurgen Rendtel on one of the best meteor showers in out lifetime 19. May 1996 cover - Comet Hyakutake: The Performance Begins MR1: Comet Photography for Everyone (6 pages great illustrations and simple techniques, cameras films, etc.) Dennis Di Cicco probably as good as it gets, et. al. give a superb account on how to photograph comets easily, well illustrated with excellent photos MR2: A Naked Eye Asteroid: One page description of the Vesta Opposition - one of the brightest of the century. no photos because preceded event. Saludos,Doug Received on Fri 11 Mar 2005 02:21:01 PM PST |
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