[meteorite-list] OT: Bye, I'm out of town.

From: Martin Altmann <Altmann_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Jun 30 17:50:24 2005
Message-ID: <000901c57dbe$aeb84fa0$80649a54_at_9y6y40j>

Sorry for abusing the list,

but I lost a bunch of Emails
(I heard that this Gates is still a free man...apropos Gates, once with that
handicapped Romanian boy, where so many of you donated so much, I wrote to
the Gates-foundation, whether I could have the Windows on the laptop for
free, as originally it was in German, which his tutor couldn't understand
and the organizer of the laptop loaded a costy English license version
up.....they said: No. So I had to pay it from my pocket. They said, that
they only work together with government organisations. Well, if that boy
would have get his laptop via the childrens protection coucil in Romania, he
would have recieved only the manual and a cable. Uuuuh, some money from the
Pharo-projects of EU is spend there in that very region, for building
schools ect. At "my" school, they clean the floors still for desinfection
frequently with truck diesel. What a smell, after 2 hours in that rooms, one
has headache, that one could vomitate. Any medic on that list, who could
write a short note, that this is extremely unhealthy?
Need a voice of America to impress the major of that village, for her buying
some normal cleaning agents, instead of taking the money for the school
equipment always in her own pockets.... how digressive I am again, where I
Yes, my apologies, if I forgot to answer to some of the lost mails - please
write again and be patient, as from tomorrow on I will be out on the Baragan
without internet until 25th.

All the best meanwhile to you all!

And to Ssstevey:
>You just never know what you get.
With almost all meteorite people you know exactely what you'll get.
And sometimes it's better to have a giveaway of one's heart than of one's


----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Arnold, Chicago!!!" <steve_arnol60120_at_yahoo.com>
To: <meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 11:18 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] nwa unclassiifeds,you never know what you get

> Hi list.I just got a kilo of unclassiifed saharans and 4 of them are just
> choke full of high metal.I sanded of a small corner of one of them and I
> can not believe the metal in that piece.All in all I got 22 piece.4 of
> them do not have much of a pull to a magnet.I am going to sand down the
> rest of them and see what is what.You just never know what you get.
> steve
> Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120
> Illinois Meteorites,Ltd!
> website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com
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Received on Thu 30 Jun 2005 05:57:16 PM PDT

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