[meteorite-list] Some comments regarding Oman

From: Courtois Julien <ivlianvs_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue Jun 28 17:10:23 2005
Message-ID: <bd5a70505062814107e80e473_at_mail.gmail.com>

Dear Mr. Hofmann, dear list members

First of all thanks a lot to be on the list, and to contribute to it
regularly. You are one of the too few scientific link to the collector
community, and it have to be greeted accordingly :-)

But as you are most probably aware, this list list is populated with a
vast majority of meteorites collectors, so here are a few questions
from a collector (living near Bern) perspective:

1) I've heard rummors that you might eventually one day sell a few of
your most common meteorites collected in Oman. Reading your email from
May 20th, it looks that it will definitely remain an Omani possession.
I would of course gladly add a small speciemen of these scientificaly
very well documented meteorites. What is the actual status? Having
only seeen a small part of it, I might guess that your basement is
pretty full now, and need some cleaning ;-)

2) Will a few pieces of the SaU 169 make their way to the open
market?? Only a few grams might make the collector community happy...

3) BTW, Regarding SaU 169, the Wikipedia page
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sayh_al_Uhaymir> probably needs some
corrections (incomplete title/official link missing)

4) Are you doing meteorite analyses? I have a few pretty meteorites
(Dean's BL #5, 25 & 37 + an unnamed, but perfectly regmaglypted I just
bought in Ensisheim) needing classification. I do understand that you
are currently very busy analyzing your Omani founds, but I'm not in a

Best regards,


Beda Hofmann wrote:

> Dear listmembers
> One of the reasons that make meteorites so fascinating is that we don't stop to wonder about all the information they carry to Earth. Recently, another source of astonishment has turned up: Comments about meteorite collection in Oman and all the related stories. Some time ago we already posted a statement but I am not sure it went through, so I post it again below.
Received on Tue 28 Jun 2005 05:10:21 PM PDT

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