[meteorite-list] interesting Steve Arnold

From: joseph_town_at_att.net <joseph_town_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun Jun 26 20:40:14 2005
Message-ID: <062720050040.2674.42BF4AE8000D2FC900000A7221602807410299019BA1089F0A9C0106_at_att.net>

I dunno Michael,

I can easily understand the amusement you derive from Steve. I also notice how you like to stir the kettle once in a while. Seems like you're trying to see how much spam you can generate in your own honor. What's this new chicken analogy? I thought ducks were your thing. We all know what Steve is up to. It's you I wonder about.



Steve thrives on all this as so many have pointed out. Even if Art canned him he'd just do a Matteo.


 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Michael L Blood <mlblood_at_cox.net>
> Dear Dirk and all other Steve Bashers,
> I gotta tell you guys I wouldn't miss a Chicago Steve post for
> all the tea in China. It nearly always brings a hearty chuckle. But
> it there is one thing more enjoyable, it is the irony of the Steve
> Bashers.... I wouldn't miss one of those posts for the world, either.
> You guys crack me up. I really don't know which is best.
> I have been on this list since day one and one of the most
> interesting of the phenomena is what I think of as the chicken
> pecking behavior that occurs over and over. Frequently, a flock
> of chickens will pick out what is perceived as the weakest chicken
> (or maybe just oddest) and the whole damned flock (or, at least the
> majority) will start picking at it. Of course, this frequently results
> in eventual death. However, that does not end it.... they will eventually
> find another chicken to pick on, and the cycle repeats itself over
> and over.
> It is also similar to a shark feeding frenzy with blood in the
> water. I have a theory that the anonymity or distance, or a wide
> variety of factors involved in internet group communication somehow
> results in the triggering of the WEB equivalent of "Road Rage."
> It reminds me of a few weeks ago when Steve posted 4 or 5
> (or 8 or 10?) ridiculous posts droning on and on about the same
> meteorite sale he was conducting and it resulted in 72 attack
> posts. It had the effect on me of listening to my second favorite
> comedian, Louis Black (Robin Williams is, of course, the most
> brilliant comedian ever, but Black will nearly cause me to
> laugh myself nigh onto death - literally). Every time I would read
> one of Steve's posts I couldn't figure out if it was more hysterical
> because of its absurdity or because of my anticipation of the
> approaching landslide of whining, attacking, mewling protests
> that would surely be coming as a result.
> Dirk, I have met and respect you, as I have several Steve
> Bashers, but REALLY DUDES, you gotta get a grip! .... or not.
> Regardless, y'all might be interested to know there are dozens
> of us out here who really do think the attack pack is as funny
> as Steve when he gets on a roll.
> Oh, one other thought here: Steve has, on a few occasions,
> offered to "take on" various individuals "at the next Tucson Show."
> Maybe it would be interesting to set up a ring, have some gloves
> and Steve could go one round with all the more vociferous critics.
> Naw..........that would be TOO hysterical.
> Best wishes, Michael
Received on Sun 26 Jun 2005 08:40:10 PM PDT

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