[meteorite-list] interesting Steve Arnold

From: AL Mitterling <almitt_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun Jun 26 16:31:43 2005
Message-ID: <42BF10A7.3030706_at_kconline.com>

Hi Michael and all,

It is refreshing to see your most sensible and humane post to the list
regarding the high frequency ad/posts made by Steve. We need a good
father figure or judge to appoint himself as to what can and can not be
said on the list.

What ever happened to your delete key you have so eloquently asked us to
you when you don't like list posts?

I agree and disagree with your post. Although I don't like to see nasty
posts to Steve's oblivious concern to over posting ads to the list (what
ever became of Art's poll on ads to the list??) Sometimes the only way
to effect change is to keep on the abuser of the system until it sinks
in enough that they might actually alter their behavior (in this case a
very little bit).

I hope that Steve will finally realize that he should only make
offerings once in a while (that means one post not repeat multiple
posts, like most list members) or that he will have to deal with
repeated emails, peckings or what have you, each time he again abuses
the system. It seem only fair. Also maybe the list administrator might
warn, give time off to list offenders.

As you are free to posts and make suggestions (and you often make very
sensible ones) so are others who have had enough of multiple ad postings
by members who use the list for their own personal selling list.


And Michael, these don't knock Steve posts are making you a little more
peckable each time, in case of Steve's demise :-)

Received on Sun 26 Jun 2005 04:31:35 PM PDT

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